Monday, March 1, 2010
Our New Dishwasher
Posted by Katie & Craig at 10:17 AM 2 comments
Gabby's BEEF Project for 4-H
Posted by Katie & Craig at 10:14 AM 1 comments
Santa Fe Cattle Co.
Sunday, we went to the "Santa Fe. Cattle Co." to eat. Can I just tell you that it was the kids most favorite restaurant ever. Kam and Gabby loved the fan, It is HUGE, like one fan blade is probley 20 feet long. There was western things all over, dear, cattle, animals, cowboy things all over the celling and the walls. As soon as we walked in Kam grabbed the camera and was walking all around taking pictures. I did spare you the light fixture and waiter and other 30 pictures he took of this place, but I did share a few.
Then they said, April Table for 7, April Table for 7- Last Call,
Craig jumped up, ran inside, then came back out and said, HEY APRIL, our Table is ready"
"Our name was like way down on the list, we would have been waiting at least another hour"
Posted by Katie & Craig at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Kam's Blue and Gold Ceremony and Pinewood Derby Races!
Kam's Big Day for Scouting. Sat. Feb. 27th Kam's Pack 100 with scouting had there Blue and Gold Ceremony, this is where they celebrate being scouts and all major awards are given. Following Blue and Gold was the Pinewood Derby Races. This is where you carve your own car out of a block of wood and paint it to whatever you chose. This was a very long day for everyone, the day started at 2:30 and we did not get back home till after 9pm. But Kam says it was well worth it. Every year at Blue and Gold they have a different desert Cooking Contest, This year, being the 100th year of scouting, the theme was Father/son cook off, or Akela/Scout Cook off.
Akela means, Any adult that leads a scout, We had to sign Kams book as his Akela along with Ms. Tina, his Scout Leader.
This was a very big day for Kam. Kam received some of the best honors a Wolf Scout could get!
"Our Entry in the desert Competition, We made and Akela and a Cub Scout, They each said, The Akela leads the Cub Scout, and The Cub Scout follows the Akela"
"This was quite a good day for our Family, Kam won every contest there was to win, The girls got recognized for always being there for Kam and the Scouts, The kids were good all day, What a day"
Posted by Katie & Craig at 8:36 AM 1 comments
The Girls - I love dressing them alike
"Arn't my girls just so cute"
Posted by Katie & Craig at 8:13 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Mardi Gras Day 2010
Mardi Gras Day - Feb. 16th, 2010 we went down to Metairie, on Severn this year and celebrated with Chad, Jessica, Tori, Cody and there Family for Mardi Gras. They go there every year, but it was a new spot for us. We liked it, there was some make shift barricades partially in front of us, but you could go in front of them since they were not everywhere. We got out there at 6am, which means we left our house at around 5. It was very cold and windy so we decided since Gracy was still a little sick, and had just had her little eye surgery it was better to leave her with Grammy and Poppy. We dressed Lucy up in Gab's old Frog Costume an out we went. We were quite bundled up, except me, I forgot my SHOES! Of all things, had tons of stuff for everybody, but I had on Craigs over sized Crocs, He did go walk down and found an open CVS and bought me 3 pair of socks and I put them all on then his crocs. Dont ask, it was an early morning I guess. The kids had a blast. Kam said he could only smell Bear and bad Breath all day. He made friends with one of Chads friends that came with us, He was around 50 years old, drunk, and would raise his shirt, and scream and holler at all the people that came by, WELL so would Kam, he was a riot. Lucy, Gab, Craig and I were on Stuffed Animals and bead duty on the other side of the little medium we were on. Gab and Lucy got around 50 or 60 stuffed animals that day. They really had a good time. Craig and I's back were killing us, because Lucy needed to be held the whole day so she could get more things, but she LOVED it, she still talks about how she raised her hands and would scream for baby's. It was a good tradition we kept going this year and will do again next. This was Gabby's 10th Mardi Gras Day, she was only 2 months old for her first Mardi Gras Day, and she hasn't missed one yet!
Posted by Katie & Craig at 9:14 AM 2 comments
Cute Random Photos From Craigs Phone!

Posted by Katie & Craig at 8:40 AM 1 comments