Monday, March 1, 2010

Kam's Blue and Gold Ceremony and Pinewood Derby Races!

Kam's Big Day for Scouting. Sat. Feb. 27th Kam's Pack 100 with scouting had there Blue and Gold Ceremony, this is where they celebrate being scouts and all major awards are given. Following Blue and Gold was the Pinewood Derby Races. This is where you carve your own car out of a block of wood and paint it to whatever you chose. This was a very long day for everyone, the day started at 2:30 and we did not get back home till after 9pm. But Kam says it was well worth it. Every year at Blue and Gold they have a different desert Cooking Contest, This year, being the 100th year of scouting, the theme was Father/son cook off, or Akela/Scout Cook off.

Akela means, Any adult that leads a scout, We had to sign Kams book as his Akela along with Ms. Tina, his Scout Leader.

This was a very big day for Kam. Kam received some of the best honors a Wolf Scout could get!

" The Crew, all dressed up and ready to go"
"The official Cub Scout Sign"

"Our Entry in the desert Competition, We made and Akela and a Cub Scout, They each said, The Akela leads the Cub Scout, and The Cub Scout follows the Akela"

"Our cars, Gabby's Pink Car, Kams Light Savor Car, and Lucy's Green Lightning Car"

"Lucy ready to race"
"Kam was chosen to do the Flag Ceremony"
"Kam getting his awards from Ms. Tina-- He got ALOT"
"Kam was so proud of what he earned"
"Both Lucy and Gabby received awards too, They where the only siblings not in scouts to be recognized in the event. That was very special"
"Lucy kept saying, I got a MEDAL, I got a Medal"
"Lucy and Ms. Robyn, This was Kams Leader Last Year""Gracy was so GOOD, considering this event lasted forever"
"Kams Car weighed 4.8oz, it could only weigh up to 5 ounces or it would be disqualified"
"Gracy playing with DaDa while the races where going on"
"Kam getting his car in just the right spot on the track"
"Gabby racing against her brother, he is in lane 3 and she was in lane 4. The judges tell you who you will race and which lane to put your car, then the times are entered in the computer and that's when the fastest times are announced after 4 runs on each car."
"My turn to occupy the Gracy Bug, Good Thing Lucy was napping during this part"
"Kam in Lane 2 , Gabby in Lane 3"
"And the winner is ---Kam by a Car length, With Gabby in 2nd"

"The Kids love Ms. Robyn" "Kam WON 1st Place, for Fastest Car"
"Kam also won Best in Show for neatest, coolest looking car"
"Some of Kams awards for the Day, 2 Trophy's, a necklace, A First Place in the Bowling Tournament they had a couple of weekends back, Plus about 15 patches and belt loops he received, Along with his WOLF Patch"
"1st Place in Bowling out of all the wolf's in the District"
"Gabbys certificate she received"
"Lucy's Certificate she received"

"This was quite a good day for our Family, Kam won every contest there was to win, The girls got recognized for always being there for Kam and the Scouts, The kids were good all day, What a day"


Kristen said...

Wow Kam!!! Congratulations on doing such a wonderful job! You sure deserve all those neat awards you got! And you're very lucky to have such helpful sisters - they sure love you! Cute blue car by the way!! ;)