Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gracy - 6 months old!

"Gracy LouAnn - 6 months old"

My little Baby Girl is already 6 months old. She is loving the fact that she can sit up by herself. She is so much fun, a little spoiled, and for some reason she is treated so much more gentle than all the rest, I guess because she is just so much more "sensitive".. I don't know, she is the princess and she knows it too! Lucy shares with no one, but will throw toys at Gracy is Gracy makes one little sound like she is going to cry. Gracy has also started talking alot, of course the only sounds that somewhat sound like words to us is the babbaling of dadada alot, but there are alot of different sounds that come out. She does not role over yet, but I informed her that her buddy Nathaniel is rolling over already and he is younger than her, so she is really been trying hard to do it. All the kids stayed at Grammy's while I was in the hospital and she said Gracy rolled a few times, but nothing consistent yet. Gracy is almost identical to Kameron at this age, there baby pics could pass as the same pictures for sure! Gracy is also eating out of a spoon and really doesn't even need a bib, she doesn't waist a drop, she LOVES food. She will smile for us and other family members and friends, but God forbid a stranger talk to her, that bottom lip comes out and she starts SCREAMING, I think it is so funny. We just did family pictures at Sears, boy was that an ordeal, Lucy would not keep still and if the Lady even remotely looked at Gracy it was all over, but we did it as best as possible I guess for a family of 6 with 2 baby's.
"Supporting her LSU Tigers"

"I got this hat at Target for $1.00, and I love it on her, She is such a cutie"

"Playing with some Christmas ribbon, She is my first Summer Baby, it was hard to do Christmas pictures for her, usually my Christmas pictures are with infants."

"My little Pink Princess"


Kristen said...

Those pictures are so precious! Nathaniel can't wait to meet her! I'm sure she'll be rolling over in no time!

Love, Nana Poke