"Gracy and Craig, waiting on the present opening to begin"
Every year we go to Grammy and Poppy's exchange gifts with them. The kids love this - it is like a pre-Santa for them. This year Lucy was really into the whole opening gifts thing, even though she much rather just take whatever Kam got. This year we gave Grammy a hand-painted family portrait of all 14 of her GrandKids, it definitely is a one of a kind original and Poppy got a Saints Division Champs Hat.
"Grammy opening her picture, we were so excited to give it to her"
"Gabby got a "Twilight" blanket"
"Lucy got Swiper and a Dora DVD"
"Kam got an X-Box Controller, X-Box Game and DS Game"
"Gracy got a buggy protector, since she is almost out the baby car seat and all"
Do you have a picture of what Grammy's present looked like? I want to see it out of the wrapping paper!!!
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