Ok, so the computer wont let me move the photos in order today for some reason, so sorry for the odd placement and the story is at the end this time. FREAKY COMPUTERS!
"Gracy loves her some Cheese Puffs, She was holding it up so we could see what she was eating"
"Do you see how happy this girl is to eat her own Cheeto"
"My lil goofball, Craig was standing next to me with his Camera Phone, she saw the phone, and this was her happy face, she new just what he was doing"
"Just some of her being cute from the last month"
"Our lil Princess"
Gracy will be 9 months tomorrow, but who knows what will be going on then, so today is the big day its getting posted. In the past month she has really grown. First, she had the first procedure done where they went in with a probe and tried to open her tear ducts. That was kinda dramatic, but we know it had to be done and the sooner the better for her. She can sit up from a laying position all by her self, go from sitting to a crawling position and back to sitting. She pretty much is completely mobile, except she cant crawl forward yet. She had a pretty bad ear infection and her first trip to the ER with 105.3 fever, where they said nothing was wrong with her (Yeah, just because there tag says Doctor, Don't always believe them). She has mastered the whole Bye-Bye thing and just yesterday she started pretty eyes. She is starting to cry when strangers or even people we see every week in Kams therapy and Cub scouts try to hold her or sometimes just talk to her. At home she is supper funny, she laughs and is really ticklish everywhere, Just like me, Craig is not ticklish anywhere. Hear is just a few of her from the past month. And a new one to celebrate the big 9(months of course). Oh and to those of you who remember the Triplets love for Cheese Puffs and Lucy's love for them, Gracy got her first Cheese Puffs yesterday, and she LOVES THEM TOO!! Must be hereditary.
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