Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kam's 100th Day of School Party!

Kam finally had his 100th day of school this year. To celebrate each year his school lets them dress as though they are 100 years old. If you remember Gabby did the Granny stockings and foam rollers, Last year Kam did a big over sized suit with a tie and paw-paw hat. This year Kam wanted to have a beard and mustache like old men have. In order to do this we took out the washable markers and started coloring. He found him an old plaid shirt and tie and "WHAALAA" he was 100. Of course then his little protege, Lucy had to be 100 too, so out came the markers again. Lucy is really stuck up her brothers BUTT more than normal lately, anything he does or anyplace he goes, she is right behind him.

"The best part of this whole thing, is that we had Religion Class this night, we went to the Sunrise, Assisted Living and had a Mardi Gras Parade with the Class for the residents. The loved Lucy and Kam all dressed up like they where 100, even though one lady was 106."

"Kam, The best big brother Lucy could ever ask for, even though he wants to kill her sometimes, HE loves her to death"

"Does he look 100 to you, I think he was going for 100 year old hobo"